Posts Tagged ‘’

Domain Eligibility: Can I Really Make it Mine?

In recent weeks we’ve looked into the details surrounding the availability and selection of domain names. However, in some instances, business owners and domainers may find themselves in a position where, despite a domain being available, they are ineligible to use it. On this point, it’s also important to distinguish that purchasing a domain name does not transfer the asset itself. Instead, an individual effectively ‘leases’ the rights to use the name for a certain period. How then, can individuals establish if they are eligible to use a particular name? Well, this has been established by the .au Domain Administration […]

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Choosing a TLD: Why do I need a when I’ve already got a

In our last article, we discussed what you should consider when looking to choose the right domain name. In doing so, we touched on the importance of having your chosen name on the most appropriate top-level domain (TLD), something we’ll now cover in more detail. It should come as no surprise that few people, if any, visit or After all, domains are often perceived as playing second fiddle to in Australia. Not only are web users less receptive towards them, people are typically less likely to remember or click on them. Whereas a good domain exudes authority and credibility […]

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