Well, here we are nearly a 3rd of the way through 2012, and what a start to the year. We’ve seen some huge domain sales already – notably the 6 figure HomeLoan.com.au sale for $100,000, backed up by it’s cousin HomeLoanCalculator.com.au for $33,000, not to mention great sales such as CreditCards.net.au for $22,000, 13Work.com.au for $8,700, FreeSamples.com.au at $6,350, and hundreds more. With all these Australian domain sales flying around, we thought it we should have a little fun and test your domain sale knowledge, and launch our competition on Netfleet, giving you the chance to win $2,000 credit on Snapper Auctions Australia or Snapper Auctions New Zealand.
So what’s up for grabs? All entries will be collected and one lucky winner will take $2,000, that will instantly be credited to your Netfleet account to spend our Snapper Auctions Australia or Snapper Auctions New Zealand. With $2,000 at your disposal, you’ll be able to stretch your legs in the auctions, and jump start your new online venture.
All you have to do is take a guess at:
How many domains has Netfleet.com.au sold since it’s launch in July 2008?
This includes domain names sold across all of our platforms: Standard Listings, Snapper Auctions Australia, Snapper Auctions New Zealand and Aftermarket Auctions.
And the closest guess takes the prize! Submitting your guess is easy – and an be done one of two ways:
1. Via Twitter
Log on to your Twitter account, and tweet the number of domains you think Netfleet has sold, ensuring two things 1) you include @netfleet and 2) you include the hash tag #competitions in your tweet, otherwise we can’t give you your prize! For example:
“I love Netfleet and I think they have sold 5000 domains @netfleet #competitions”
2. Via Facebook
Simply browse to the Netfleet Facebook page here:
And Write something on our wall saying just how many domains you think we’ve sold, ensuring you include the hash tag #competitions on your wall post. For example:
“I think Netfleet has sold 5000 domains #competitions”
So don’t delay, make your guess right away!
We wish you the best of luck 🙂
Best wishes,
The Netfleet Team
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